Regular Service

Yoido Full Gospel Church has 7 services every Sunday starting from 7:00am.
The Bible exposition service is held on Wednesdays, the Holy Spirit prayer meeting on Fridays, and a morning service on Saturdays. During the main services, simultaneous interpretation is provided in English, Japanese, Chinese, and other languages.
Twelve Basket Early Morning Prayer Service for the New Year

The Twelve Basket Early Morning Prayer Service started in 2009 in the form of a special early morning prayer service which lasted for 12 days. It is now held twice a year in January and June, so that church members can live a victorious life, armed with the word and prayer and clothed with spiritual power for the new year.
Since 2010, the first twelve days of every year have been dedicated to God under the title of “Twelve Basket Early Morning Prayer Service for the New Year.”
Each meeting consists of a grace-filled sermon by the senior pastor, praise time, and a prayer time where pastors pray for the members. The main sanctuary and the overflow rooms are packed during these prayer services, and many other believers participate in the meetings through satellite broadcast in regional churches, prayer chapels, and even abroad.
Friday Night Holy Spirit Prayer Service

During the Friday Night Holy Spirit Prayer Service, one can experience the practical expression of the Full Gospel faith, which acknowledges, seeks, and depends on the work of the Holy Spirit. Every Friday, this prayer meeting begins with Spirit-filled songs, and the meeting continues with a sermon and a time of united prayer asking to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
At every meeting, believers experience the Holy Spirit, receive healing and answered prayers, and praise the living and powerful God. When visiting Korea, Christians from all around the world make it a priority to attend the Friday Night Holy Spirit Prayer Meeting.
Cell Group Service

Inspired by Exodus 18:21-22, Yoido Full Gospel Church started a cell group system in 1964. A cell group is a church within a church that grows without limit. The cell group system began with 20 cell groups, and since then has grown to well over 10,000 cell groups (not including the 20 independent churches).
For a cell group to grow, the three M’s should be in harmony: a Man prepared, a Message filled with faith, and a Method that is right. Many churches here in Korea and abroad bear remarkable fruit by employing the cell group system of Yoido Full Gospel Church.
College and Young Adult Department

The College and Young Adult Department consists of Pneuma (the Holy Spirit: 19 to 25 years old), Gospel (Good News: 26 to 31 years old), Charis (Grace: more than 31 years old), and CAM campus mission (more than 50 campus missions). The College and Young Adult Department, which is an energetic and powerful gathering of young people writing the 29th chapter of Acts, pursues the worship of God’s kingdom, raises life-transformed disciples, and commissions young people to go out into the world and the nations. In addition, as Christ’s Ambassadors, its vision is to embody the righteousness of God and to expand the kingdom of God to the nations and the world through the Pentecostal Holy Spirit movement in 8 areas of society including religion, economics, diplomacy, media, culture, art, medicine, and education.
The College and Young Adult Department annually holds ‘The Holy Spirit’ national youth rally, and conducts ‘World Mission’, a short-term overseas mission trip, which helps its members practice mission through Pentecostal Spirituality and Full Gospel faith. It also carries out ‘Revival Korea’, a short-term domestic mission trip, which contributes to the evangelism and revival of the domestic dependent churches and pioneer churches.
※ The College and Young Adult Service is held on Sundays at 2:40PM in the Main Sanctuary. They also have a daily early morning prayer service at 6:00AM in Bethlehem Hall.
Middle-Aged District

The Middle-Aged District represents the generation of church members in their 30’s and 40’s who worship together and fellowship in a community of love. The Middle-Aged District focuses on strengthening the faith of families and also plays a bridge-making role that connects faith from generation to generation through short-term mission trips, various training seminars and small group fellowship.
※ The Middle-Aged District holds their Service in Paul Chapel at 1 pm on Sundays.
Sunday School

Yoido Full Gospel Church’s Sunday School strives to correctly teach the Fivefold Gospel and the Threefold Blessing at the eye-level of children. Using animation, music, and other fun activities, the Sunday School Department seeks to train the next generation to become small disciples of Christ who can serve as the salt and light of this era.
※ The Sunday School Department holds their Services in various different locations based on age at 9am, 11am, or 1pm on Sundays.