Decade Year Date Entry
1950s 1958 5.18 Founding of the tent church with five members in Daejodong Seoul, Seodaemungu (now, Eunpyeonggu)
1960s 1961 10.15 Relocation of the church to Seodaemun, First Service held
1962 2.18 Completion of Full Gospel Revival Center, Dedication Service
1962 4.26 Pastoral Ordination of Pastor Yonggi Cho
1964 4.12 Pastor Cho’s first trip overseas by invitation from the US Assemblies of God
1966 4.5 Commissioning Ceremony for Pastor Yonggi Cho and the first appointment of elders
1966 5.19 Pastor Yonggi Cho elected as the General Superintendant of the Assemblies of God of Korea
1967 4 Pastor Yonggi Cho preaches in the UK for Easter Service at Central Hall in Westminster
1967 7 Pastor Yonggi Cho elected as an executive committee member of the Pentecostal World Fellowship
1969 4.6 Groundbreaking Ceremony for the Construction of the New Sanctuary in Yoido
1970s 1973 3.7 Establishment of Full Gospel Osanri Prayer Mountain (Now called Osanri Jashil Choi Memorial Prayer Mountain)
1973 9.23 Dedication Service of Yoido Sanctuary
1976 4.20 Establishment of Full Gospel Businessman’s Mission
1976 11.4 Founding of Church Growth International (CGI)
1979 11.4 Celebration Service for surpassing 100,000 in church membership
1980s 1981 2.28 Groundbreaking Service for the Sanctuary of Full Gospel Osanri Prayer Mountain
1981 12.20 Celebration Service for surpassing 200,000 in church membership
1982 6.29 Establishment of the Full Gospel Mission Foundation
1984 1.1 'Full Gospel Central Church' renamed to 'Yoido Full Gospel Church'
1984 10.1 Church membership surpasses 400,000
1985 12.31 Church membership surpasses 500,000
1988 8.15-18 Holding of the 88th World Evangelism Crusade
1988 12.10 Launching of Kukmin Daily News
1990s 1990 4.16-18 Pastor Yonggi Cho preaches at World Leadership Conference in Washington DC
1992 11.4 Pastor Yonggi Cho invited to attend the Appointment Ceremony for the General Superintendant of the World Assemblies of God Fellowship
1994 5.3 Pastor Yonggi Cho leads the 26th National Prayer Breakfast
1996 5.3 Pastor Yonggi Cho awarded the Mugunghwa Medallion
1997 9.25-28 Pastor Yonggi Cho invited to Sao Paolo, Brazil to lead South America Crusade
Pastor Yonggi Cho elected as the Chairman of the World Assemblies of God Fellowship
1998 9.22-25 Holding of the 18th Pentecostal World Conference in Seoul
1999 2.26 Establishment of the NGO 'Good People'
2000s 2000 3.28 Launching of DCEM (David Cho Evangelistic Mission)
2004 10.26 Completion of Christian Memorial Park
2005 5.18 Pastor Yonggi Cho awarded 'The Family of Man' Medallion
2006 4.25-29 The Azusa Street Centennial
2007 12.4 Groundbreaking Ceremony for the Pyeongyang Heart Hospital
2008 5.14 Appointment Service of Pastor Yonggi Cho as Senior Pastor Emeritus
2008 5.21 Appointment Service of Pastor Younghoon Lee as the second Senior Pastor
2009 5.19 Pastor Younghoon Lee elected as the General Superintendant of the Assemblies of God of Korea
2010s 2010 1.1 20 branch churches given independence
2014 9.16 Pastor Younghoon Lee elected as the 20th General Superintendant of the Christian Council of Korea
2016 2.1 Pastor Younghoon Lee elected as the 21st General Superintendant of the Christian Council of Korea
2016 9.7-10 Pastor Younghoon Lee invited to the 24th Pentecostal World Conference as the representative of South Korea
2017 12.5 Pastor Younghoon Lee elected as General Chairman of the United Christian Churches of Korea
2018 1.15 Pastor Younghoon Lee invited to give Congratulatory Address at the 50th Anniversary Commemorative Service for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
2018 5.18 Holding of the 60th Anniversary Commemorative Conference of Yoido Full Gospel Church
2018 11.1 Pastor Younghoon Lee awarded the Exceptionally Distinguished Religious Leader of the Year Award by Asian American Congress
2019 6.5-6 Pastor Younghoon Lee invited to preach at the Jerusalem National Prayer Breakfast