Rev. Younghoon Lee was born in Seoul as the second oldest child out of five to the late elder Kyeongsun Lee (President of the Elder Board from 1978-1979). He attended Yoido Full Gospel Church since childhood and began ministry in 1978. After serving 30 years in many leadership contexts including as Director and Executive Pastor in Yoido Full Gospel Church, as Senior Pastor of prominent Full Gospel Churches overseas, and in various Executive Leadership positions in Seminaries, in 2008 Rev. Lee was selected by vote to succeed Dr. Yonggi Cho and become the Senior Pastor of Yoido Full Gospel Church. Today, Rev. Lee and his wife Inja Baek are happily married and have one daughter named Grace.
Preacher of the Full Gospel Faith
Having been a part of Yoido Full Gospel Church since its early days, Rev. Lee has been a strong advocate of the Full Gospel message of ‘the Fivefold Gospel’ and ‘the Threefold Blessing’ which has blessed congregations globally. One of his major early accomplishments was defending the Full Gospel Faith in a time when it was regarded as a cult. In the early 90’s when he served as the Director for the Institute of Church Growth, he assisted Rev. Yonggi Cho using his theological expertise and he helped to establish ‘Full Gospel’ as one of the mainstream denominations of South Korea.
He has further developed Full Gospel Theology by simplifying it into a message of ‘Absolute Thanksgiving and Absolute Positive Faith.’ He has also emphasized the need for the Fullness of the Holy Spirit to lead beyond personal revival and growth into the bearing of spiritual fruit and acts of love for neighbors.
Rev. Lee received his Bachelor’s in Theology at Yonsei University and graduated the Master’s programs of Yonsei University’s United Graduate School of Theology, Hansei Theological Seminary, and Westminster Theological Seminary. He also received a Ph.D in Religion and Philosophy at Temple University.
Among his literary works are ‘The Holy Spirit Movement in Korea,’ ‘The Church that pleases God.’ Jesus, our Joy,’ ‘Discipleship,’ ‘Jesus Christ, the Hope of Glory,’ ‘Do everything in love,’ ‘Christ lives in me,’ ‘The Roots of Full Gospel Faith in the Cross,’ ‘Mentors of my life,’ and ‘The path to Spiritual Growth.’ He has also translated ‘Brownsville Church Pensacola scene of the miracle,’ ‘The Holiness-Pentecostal Tradition: Charismatic Movements in the Twentieth Century,’ ‘The Beginning of the End.’
Groundbreaker in the Holy Spirit Movement
Rev. Lee previously served as the Senior Pastor at Full Gospel First Church of Washington, Full Gospel Tokyo Church, and LA Full Gospel Church. In each church his leadership has been crucial in developing the churches through massive church construction projects and the growth of its membership. He also previously served as the Director for the Education Research Institute, the International Theological Institute, and as Executive Pastor at Yoido Full Gospel Church. In addition, he served as the Dean of Full Gospel College of Theology, and as the President of Bethesda University.
After becoming the second Senior Pastor of Yoido Full Gospel Church in 2008, the first thing Rev. Lee did was to make its largest church plants into independent churches. In addition, under his leadership, the Holy Spirit Movement has expanded throughout the entire peninsula as the Church achieved its goal to plant more than 500 local churches. Currently, Rev. Lee dreams of the day when the door to North Korea opens so that the Holy Spirit movement might continue to spread there.
Internationally, Rev. Lee has also ventured to expand the Holy Spirit movement. With a desire to empower Asian Church Leaders, he founded the Asia Leaders Summit in 2013, an annual gathering, to bring together leaders of the largest churches in Asia together to discuss how they might partner in missions to Asian countries. He has also been invited to speak in China, where Chinese authorities have consulted with him regarding Church matters.
Global Messenger of Peace
Carrying a reputation for being a gentle and peace-loving person, Rev. Lee has done much to become a messenger of peace. Within the Assemblies of God of Korea, after many years of division, Rev. Lee was able to successfully bring together the largest groups and unite them as a single denomination once again. Rev. Lee also maintains close partnerships and friendships with many local and international pastors from diverse denominational backgrounds including presbyterian, holiness, and methodist having been featured in several interdenominational conferences and speaking engagements.
In 2018, Rev. Lee was invited to be the speaker for the Martin Luther King Jr. Day commemorative service, where he preached, “I have a dream that one day little boys and girls from North and South Korea will join together as brothers and sisters.” Under his leadership, Rev. Lee has encouraged church leaders to constantly pray for the peaceful reunification of the Korean peninsula. Rev. Lee continues to be a messenger of peace not only within the bounds of Yoido Full Gospel Church, but also nationally and globally.
Academic Background
ㆍ Yonsei University, Th.B
ㆍ Hansei University, Theology BA
ㆍ United Graduate School of Theology Yonsei University, Th.M
ㆍ Westminster Theological Seminary, Th.M
ㆍ Temple University, M.A and Ph.D
ㆍ Hansei University - Professor and Head of Planning and Research
ㆍ Bethesda University, USA - President
ㆍ Full Gospel College of Theology, Japan - Dean
ㆍ Asia Pacific Theological Association, Philippines - Committee Member
ㆍ Yoido Full Gospel Church - Education Research Institute Director, International Theological Institute Director, Executive Pastor
ㆍ Full Gospel First Church of Washington, USA - Senior Pastor
ㆍ Full Gospel Tokyo Church, Japan - Senior Pastor
ㆍ Los Angeles Full Gospel Church, USA - Senior Pastor
ㆍ Christian Council of Korea (CCK) - Chairman
ㆍ National Council of Churches in Korea (NCCK) - Chairman
ㆍ United Christian Churches of Korea (UCCK) - Chairman
ㆍ [PRESENT] Yoido Full Gospel Church - Senior Pastor (since 2008)
ㆍ [PRESENT] Assemblies of God of Korea - General Superintendent
ㆍ [PRESENT] NGO Good People - Chairman
ㆍ [PRESENT] Full Gospel World Missions Foundation - Chairman
ㆍ [PRESENT] Pentecostal World Fellowship - Committee Member