Kukmin Daily News

Yoido Full Gospel Church founded the daily newspaper, Kukmin Daily News, in December, 1988 to be used as a medium for evangelism through printed media. Kukmin Daily News follows a vision to spread the Good News to the ends of the earth; evangelize the whole nation and to construct a society of love, truth, and humanity. They offer Christian perspectives on politics, the economy, social issues, and various fields of society. Kukmin Daily News is read joyfully by all Christians, who, trans-denominationally, function as the salt and light of the world, and create a new history for Korean media.
FGTV (Full Gospel Broadcasting)

The broadcasting ministry of FGTV humbly began with Pastor Yonggi Cho’s sermons being broadcasted by FEBC (Far East Broadcasting Co.) in 1966. His sermons had so many listeners through radio broadcasting that in 1979 and 1980 it was ranked No. 1 from a survey of the national audience's preferred programming. Many people across the country listened to his sermons and accepted the grace of salvation through Jesus Christ.
Sermons were also broadcasted on television and became another platform of evangelism to all parts of the country. In 1982, through a special project of KCWC, a TV production company in the U.S., the live Sunday Service of Yoido Full Gospel Church was broadcasted simultaneously to 25 countries via satellite, which included America, Canada, China, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, Israel, Hong Kong, Philippines, South Africa and more.
At present, along with Pastor Yonggi Cho’s sermons, Pastor Younghoon Lee’s sermons are being broadcasted by four domestic TV broadcasting stations, CBS, FEBC radio broadcasting, and by 23 overseas TV broadcasting stations in 8 countries along with radio broadcasting. Yoido Full Gospel Church’s service is aired live to hundreds of domestic worship places such as the branch sanctuaries of Yoido Full Gospel Church, prayer chapels, affiliated churches, churches in parts of Asia and Full Gospel churches in Japan, China, Philippines, and Vietnam. In a mission to be attuned in the digital era, Yoido Full Gospel Church provides services such as an online version of the Full Gospel Family Newspaper, UCC moving images and photo news, along with the function of an interactive communication system for counselling and information on their internet homepage. Now entering the smartphone era, Yoido Full Gospel Church envisions the creative possibilities of a global live broadcasting through smartphone apps. Currently, the church offers IP internet service, internet live broadcast, IPTV broadcasting, 24 hours satellite broadcasting, live broadcasting of all worship services, and production of VOD programs. Through the development and merging of broadcasting and telecommunications, Yoido Full Gospel Church advances and spurs the global broadcasting ministry by developing and dispersing creative content.