10.02, 2011 2 Cor. 12:7-10  My Grace is Sufficient for You
09.25, 2011 Ps. 42:1-5  My Soul Pants for You, O Lord  
09.18, 2011 Rev. 3:7-12  You Have Not Denied My Name  
09.11, 2011 Rev 3:1-6  You Have a Reputation of Being Alive, but You are Dead  
09.04, 2011 2 Chronicles 34:1-7  Josiah’s Reforms in Judah
08.28, 2011 Psalm 46:1-5  God Will Help Us at the Break of Day
08.21, 2011 2 Kings 2:1-6  From Gilgal To Jordan
08.14, 2011 2 Chronicles 13:10-12  Light every evening
08.07, 2011 Mark 8:34-35  The Way of A True Disciple
07.31, 2011 Genesis 28:18-22  The Church That Glorifies God