Hallelujah! I can see the full presence of the Spirit of God among you. Today I would like to share God's grace based on the Word of God in 2 Kings 4:1-7.
"Go Around and Ask All Your Neighbors for Empty Jars."
This is what happened in the seminary of Elisha. He ran a prophet school, namely a seminary and there was a faithful young man who worked under him. But he got sick and died. While he was sick, he fell into heavy debt due to his illness. He had to pay hospital fees and also all the grain he borrowed from his neighbors. Except for debt there was nothing left for his family after his death. He also had two sons, but his creditors said that they would take them away. How terrified his widow would be! His wife was about to faint after crying out so much. She was determined to visit Elisha to ask a way out. When she came to him, he heard her story and asked her, "Tell me, what do you have in your house?"
"Your servant has nothing there at all," she said, "except a little oil."
Elisha said, "Go around and ask all your neighbors for empty jars. Don't ask for just a few." We must be aware of what Elisha told the widow as he asked her to borrow empty jars from her neighbors. "What do you have now?"
God makes what we have much more. "What do you have?"
"I have only a little oil." Then this little oil can make only a little more oil. Yet we should ask much more expensive things. Then it will become a vessel for a greater blessing.

When we are asked what we have, we must say, "I have a dream!" Even if we have nothing but a dream, God will make a way to fulfill that dream. We must first know what we have now and ask much more of it. The widow said that she had only a little oil left, but we shouldn't ask a trivial thing, but a much greater thing. What do you have now? What will you ask of God? Don't ask Him for oil but gold, silver and other treasure; He will give you anything you ask. God always blesses us through what we have, not through what we don¡¯t have. When God asks us, "What do you have?" we must ask much greater things.
"Open wide your mouth and I will fill it."
If we say some precious things to God, He will listen to it. God loves us and wants to give us whatever we ask and need. Some people say that our God does not concern Himself with material things, but it is not true. Our God the Father has a deep concern about our material life. Think about quail in the wilderness! As the Israelites grumbled against God to give them meat, He gave them quail and then manna. This shows that God has a great concern about our material things. Therefore, we can ask God bigger things rather than trivial things and have a dream and a hope and believe! If we believe the things that are not as though they were, He will give them to us.

This widow asked God the things that were not, but what did she ask? She brought a little oil in the jar to Elisha so he could not give anything more. When you believe in Jesus Christ as your Savior and serve God and pray earnestly to Him and seek His help, He will add more than you have and it will overflow! God never gives you any things that are not, but adds to what you already have! So, the widow sent her sons to gather more vessels and began pouring oil at home. As she prayed to God and began to pour oil, it kept pouring out so that huge amounts of oil were collected. We should have a great amount of oil from God; businessmen should ask God for this huge amount of oil to succeed in their business. If we Christians can't receive help from God, it is a blatant lie. If we faithfully give all we have to Him, God will give us endless vessels! It is because when she kept pouring and all the jars were full, she said to her son, "Bring me another one."
But he replied, "There is not a jar left." Then the oil stopped flowing. If we don't have any vessel, what we already have will stop pouring. We must give thanks to God with what we have. If we say, "There is nothing left," even though we have something, it will disappear.

She went and told Elisha the man of God, and he said, "Go, sell the oil and pay your debts. You and your sons can live on what is left." Some say that God wouldn't bless people with material things, but it is not true. Elisha said that she should pay the debts first and then live on what was left. At this we can know that God always gives us back what is left. "Open wide your mouth and I will fill it." God fills us first and then makes us to live on what is overflowing. Therefore, you should give everything you have to God to live with power for the glory of God and give what pleases Him and pray, He will promise to give you overflowingly!

Five barley bread and two fish! With this small lunch box of a child Jesus fed more than five thousand in the wilderness. Therefore, even if we have nothing with us, everything will be okay as long as we have a dream. When God blessed Abraham, He took him outside and said, The LORD said to Abram after Lot had parted from him, "Lift up your eyes from where you are and look north and south, east and west. All the land that you see I will give to you and your offspring forever." And God also asked him, "What do you see?"
"I see stars. They are countless."
"So shall your offspring be." When we see things with the law of visualization and confess it with our mouths, it will become our power. We must not complain or grumble without looking at our dream. From the beginning we must dream a dream and then the dream will be changed into faith. When we pray with a dream in our hearts, it will become faith and we can say, "I believe!" This phrase, "I believe!" will turn into "calling things that are not as though they were."
Then God will say, "It will be done according to your faith!" We should experience receiving answers from God through prayers in our daily lives while believing in Jesus Christ.
When we experience these miracles, we will understand more and more about God.

When we know the Spirit of the fourth dimension, we can dream and believe it and creatively declare it with our mouths. Then it will come to pass through our faith. We shouldn't be discouraged. When God tells us, ""Go around and ask all your neighbors for empty jars. Don't ask for just a few," He will bless us over all those borrowed jars, not over no jar. Therefore, we should borrow as many jars as possible and bring them before God to bless and fill them. Then it is God who fills it, not us. Therefore, as we bring all those empty jars in life and pray before God, He will fill all of them. He won't just fill them but make us pay all our debts and live on what is left! When we invite Jesus as our Savior into our hearts, the miracle of feeding with five bread and two fish will be displayed.

When we have the spirituality of the fourth or fifth dimension in our hearts, we prepare vessels before God. As we confess with the fourth dimensional spirituality we prepare a vessel so God can give overflowingly. We Christians should have greater experiences again and again. As we have more and more miraculous experiences, it will bring more faith. We are never abandoned. God didn't forsake the faith that brought five tiny breads and two small fish for children's lunch to Him. Jesus said, "if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move." God never despises and forsakes faith as small as a mustard seed. When we bring it to Him with faith, God accepts it and gives according to our faith.
Therefore, don't underestimate faith. Even with a little faith you can ask, "God, my faith is so tiny and little. Holy Spirit, help me and anoint me to change my little faith into bigger faith." Then God will make this faith which is as small as a mustard seed to produce bigger faith. God takes good care of you. If you seek God's help in the name of Jesus Christ, you can enjoy a pleasing life. Today I come here after overnight prayer so my prayer will make a great impact on you.